Today we hit 40 below zero windchill.  Actual temp was 20 below.  My horses were stressed even though they wear blankets in this cold weather.  I kept thinking about a horse who lives near here who has no extra fat on him.  He's just a young boy and already knows how cruel life and the weather can be.  He needs a blanket but there is no way the person owning him would be safe to approach.  I think about him often and all the others cold tonight. 
We raised some money today to buy some blankets at a tack store that is going out of business.  I'd hoped to raise a bit more but with times so hard, I'm blessed people donated at all.  I think we will have a time with fund-raising but I am up for the challenge.  In our Blankets I group we had a good time today. A lot of joking and that was good.  Sometimes this business of saving horses can be so sad that a person can lose their way without some laughter.
This cold weather has made me realize how much we need to concentrate on getting coolers and blanket liners donated.  We have some waterproof sheets that are a bit warm, with a cooler under them, it would be nicely warm.  So this summer I will make coolers and beg people to donate them.
It is not easy to ask people for money or even blankets but it is what I must do.  I can do this because I can't bear to think of all the horses suffering out there.  If we can save some, well that is good enough for now.  My barn is full.  We can't take on any more rescues or even any short-term patients.  At least not until we get stalls built for Rowdy and Black.  Rowdy will be our first stallion ever so it will be interesting.
Tomorrow I will be working on our tracking aspect to our web page.  I want everyone to know where their blanket is going...that it is going to help a horse....and then if the person receiving the blanket wants to thank the donor, they could do that easily.  I think it will be interesting for a person to follow where their blanket what horse.  I hope I am not invading a person's privacy...but I don't think I will use a last name for the recipient.
I'm tired now and have to prepare for a long trip to Georgia.  At least the weather will be warmer.  Bless all of you out there....for all you do for horses.

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