It is the start of a New Year and it couldn't be more challenging for our equine partners.  The economy has not strengthened enough to compensate for the overwhelming population of unwanted horses.  Rescues are jammed with horses, unable to take another starved equine.  The weather plays a factor for a horse who is sick, injured, or underweight due to age.  As it gets colder, the horse in need must use more calories to keep warm.  Often the feeding situation does not match the need and the horse loses weight.  A horse blanket helps to keep the horse warmer and thus he/she uses less calories and can heal faster.  We are not advocating every horse should be blanketed.  This is just not the case and perhaps is not an option for a healthy horse who has shelter.  We are talking about horses standing in the cold, rain, and snow without shelter and without adequate food.  Blankets for Horses was our answer to this dilemma.  We believe we can save horses on the edge of lfe and death if they have a warm blanket.
Blankets have been sent out and we have very few left.  We need donations more now than ever before.  If you have a blanket you'd like to donate, it is critical that you do so now.  If you can donate a few dollars, anything would help us with shipping costs.  Please.  Please. Please.  Help if you can.  We can save the life of a horse.
1/25/2012 02:11:55 am

Article re-posted for the benefit of some horse owners who still believe in putting rugs on healthy horses in winter. Please read the article at the link pasted below.
Thanks much.

This is meant for healthy horses that are kept out of freezing rain conditions. In normal conditions of fluctuating cold where there is snow, and no cold rain, a horse can quite positively stand the winter months without a rug., as you will see in the information in the link provided.
A horse that is underweight, sick or for some reason is not maintaining it's body heat, should be covered with a rug only until it is brought back to health.
If a layer of snow is covering your horses back then your horse is maintaining it's body heat well, however if you find the snow is melting off, and a steam is rising from the back then your horse is loosing body heat and the issue should be dealt with appropriately.

Ellen Robison
1/25/2012 03:07:08 am

Wow I heard this very same thing on the webinar at Michigan State University online a short time back. I get their newsletter in my inbox letting me know when they are having online webinars with certain topics and they were having one with the topic on winter horse keeping. In it a Veterinariona was speaking on keeping horses blanketed in the winter and she said that if your horse has a leyer of snow on it's back then it is maintaining it's healthy level of body heat and you nave no worries, but if the snow is melting off and you see a bunch of steam rising from the horse then you have reason for concern and should call a vet. Of course she was speaking of a horse that is of a healthy body weight too, and not an underweight, or sick horse. My 2 mares are fat and sassy and I let them go in and out of their barn all year round at free will. I learned a long time ago that if I let them do this, that it is healthier for them. In the winter they have shelter when they choose that they need it, and in summer they can get in away from the sun during the day and the bugs too, and they can go out and chew on the grass at night when it is cooler and the bugs are gone away.
God bless you for what you are doing for our less fortunate equine friends.

12/31/2012 04:22:18 am

My friend disabled vet Cliff loves his horses and has rescued many from slaughter. His horses are underfed not for lack of wanting to take care of them... he does his best but because the funds just are not there to provide $1400 /month on hay he needs to keep them warm. I have just applied for some blankets here... it would be a godsend for him. I have given all I can but have nothing I can donate at the moment. It is so hard to get donations.. people just don't seem to care at all.. it makes me so sad to see him struggling along but he does it for the love of his horses. The best that he can. I surely hope you are able to help him with some blankets for those horses out in the cold... (no barn either). It is minus in Nevada right now. Thanks for all you do! What a great cause. I can donate a little if it will help to get him the blankets he needs. I sent an request.


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